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Wonderful Things Art
Authentic Reproductions of Ancient Egyptian Art by Natalie Watson

The Offering Stela of Neskhons
Reproduction of the painted wooden funerary stela of Neskhons, wife of High Priest Pinedjem II
Natalie Watson
Jan 26

The Weighing of Hunefer’s Heart
Explore the stunning vignette from the Book of Going Forth By Day that depicts Hunefer's journey through the Hall of Truth in ancient Egypt.
Natalie Watson
Apr 25, 2024

The Meaning Behind Tutankhamun's Golden Shrine: Isis, Nephthys, and Powerful Spells of Protection
Unlocking the mysteries of Tutankhamun's Golden Shrine: Explore the intricate spells and captivating artistry of Isis and Nephthys.
Natalie Watson
Jan 5, 2024

Exploring the Greenfield Papyrus: An Insight into the Creation of the World in Ancient Egypt
Reproduction of a vignette from the Greenfield Papyrus showing Nut, the sky goddess, and Geb, the earth god at the beginning of time.
Natalie Watson
Nov 21, 2023

Swimming Through the Marsh Bowl: Tilapia Fish and Lotus Flowers
A blue faience bowl with a marsh scene with water, fish and plant motifs that symbolise the themes of fertility, rebirth, and regeneration.
Natalie Watson
Nov 6, 2022

The Triad of Memphis: A Glimpse of Ramesses III's Devotion to Ptah, Sekhmet, and Nefertem
Pharoah Ramesses III stands before the holy family of Memphis: Ptah, the patron of craftsmen, his consort Sekhmet, and their child Nefertem
Natalie Watson
Nov 1, 2022

The Myth of Nut, Geb, and the Creation of the World
A mythological papyrus illustrating the story of the separation of the sky (goddess Nut) and earth (god Geb) and the creation of the world.
Natalie Watson
Oct 24, 2022

Exploring the Fascinating History of Prehistoric Nile Pottery with Hippo Motifs
Reproduction of a prehistoric bowl from the Naqada I period (c. 3850–3650 BC) depicting three stylised hippos in the Nile landscape.
Natalie Watson
Oct 19, 2022

Exploring the Symbolism and Mythology of Isis in Tutankhamun's Golden Shrine
The ancient Egyptian goddess Isis with protective wings outstretched, based on a scene on the golden shrine of Tutankhamun dating to 1324 BC
Natalie Watson
Jul 24, 2022

The Hidden Meanings Behind Tutankhamun's Burial Chamber Symbols
The wall paintings in the burial chamber of ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun show how the young king journeyed into the afterlife
Natalie Watson
Jun 21, 2022

Inamun Making Offerings to Osiris (Stela of Inamun Nayesnebu)
The Stela of Inamun Nayesnebu dating to Dynasty 25 depicts the woman giving offerings to the mummified human-headed god Osiris.
Natalie Watson
May 9, 2022

The God Iah-Thoth Receiving the Wadjet (Stela of Neferrenpet and Huynefret)
Reproduction of an illustration from a stone stela Cat 1592 (Turin N 50046) praising the healing power of the god Iah-Thoth.
Natalie Watson
Mar 1, 2022

Isis and Nephthys Praising the Morning Sun and Osiris-Ra
A vignette from the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead representing the beginning of the sun’s daily journey through the sky.
Natalie Watson
Nov 26, 2021

The Weighing of the Heart, Book of the Dead (Chapter 30B)
The Papyrus of Ani dating from c. 1250 BC depicts the moment when a man was judged before the gods to enable entry to the afterlife.
Natalie Watson
Oct 15, 2021

Funerary Model of a Brewing and Baking Workshop, c. 2010 BC
An ancient Egyptian funerary model discovered in the elaborately decorated Dynasty 12 tomb of Khety I in Beni Hasan
Natalie Watson
Mar 11, 2021

Sarcophagus of Sasobek, British Museum
Detail of the sarcophagus of Sasobek showing the winged sky goddess Nut The finely carved lid of the sarcophagus of Sasobek, northern...
Natalie Watson
Mar 16, 2020

The Coffins of Nespawershefyt, Egyptian Official, 990-940 BC
The coffin and mummy board of Nespawershefyt (also known as Nes-Amun) dates from the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt, between 990-940...
Natalie Watson
Jan 27, 2019

Treasures of Ancient Egypt from the Fitzwilliam Museum
#egypt #Photography #Museum #History #AncientEgypt #Heritage #archaeology
Natalie Watson
Oct 2, 2018

King Khasekhemwy, Old Kingdom Pharoah
Khasekhemwy (ca. 2690 BC) was the final king of the Second dynasty of Ancient Egypt. This statue of him in the Ashmolean Museum is the...
Natalie Watson
Nov 11, 2014

Exploring the Significance of 30th Dynasty Canopic Jars in Ancient Egyptian Burial Practices
These exceptional canopic jars from the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford belonged to Zenbastef’onkh, son of Harwoz and Nakhtubasteran. They...
Natalie Watson
Nov 5, 2014
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