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Wonderful Things Art
Authentic Reproductions of Ancient Egyptian Art by Natalie Watson

The Weighing of Hunefer’s Heart
Explore the stunning vignette from the Book of Going Forth By Day that depicts Hunefer's journey through the Hall of Truth in ancient Egypt.
Natalie Watson
Apr 25, 2024

Exploring the Greenfield Papyrus: An Insight into the Creation of the World in Ancient Egypt
Reproduction of a vignette from the Greenfield Papyrus showing Nut, the sky goddess, and Geb, the earth god at the beginning of time.
Natalie Watson
Nov 21, 2023

The Myth of Nut, Geb, and the Creation of the World
A mythological papyrus illustrating the story of the separation of the sky (goddess Nut) and earth (god Geb) and the creation of the world.
Natalie Watson
Oct 24, 2022

The Hidden Meanings Behind Tutankhamun's Burial Chamber Symbols
The wall paintings in the burial chamber of ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun show how the young king journeyed into the afterlife
Natalie Watson
Jun 21, 2022

Userhat Receiving Offerings from Nut Beneath the Sycamore Tree
Reproduction of a painting from the Tomb of Userhat showing the deceased meeting Nut, the goddess of the sycamore tree and receiving water.
Natalie Watson
Dec 10, 2021

The Weighing of the Heart, Book of the Dead (Chapter 30B)
The Papyrus of Ani dating from c. 1250 BC depicts the moment when a man was judged before the gods to enable entry to the afterlife.
Natalie Watson
Oct 15, 2021

The Divine Women Ruling the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon: Meet the Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
15 of the major goddesses of the ancient Egyptian pantheon, shown with their modern names, and their names in the ancient Egyptian language.
Natalie Watson
Apr 2, 2021

Sarcophagus of Sasobek, British Museum
Detail of the sarcophagus of Sasobek showing the winged sky goddess Nut The finely carved lid of the sarcophagus of Sasobek, northern...
Natalie Watson
Mar 16, 2020
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